The Metropolitan Charter for Circular Construction is a reference framework of ambitious, voluntary, non-binding and mutual commitments. Signed during the event held on Monday the 26th of September at the Pavillon de l’Arsenal, the Charter aims to federate all stakeholders of the construction and renovation industry around objectives and a common vision towards a circular economy.

It is based on a set of common commitments shared by all signatories and specific commitments for each signatory branch, divided between prescribers, project owners, project managers, construction companies, structural work sectors, secondary work and equipment sectors.

As indicated on the Charter, the Metropolis remains open to changes, both in terms of content, in order to adapt to changes in regulations and practices, and in terms of monitoring the actual performance of signatories. A Solutions Catalogue is also structured by the Metropolis of Greater Paris in order to help the signatories of the Charter to meet their commitments.