Ecodesign level

Ecodesign level of the website





  • Ecoindex score: 52.13/100
  • Average water consumption per 1,000 users (in litres): 26.94 (equal to 3 cases of mineral water).*
  • Average greenhouse gas emissions per 1,000 users (in kg of CO2e): 1.84 (equal to an 10 km journey in a combustion-engine car).*

Assessment method

Like all digital productions, this website has an environmental impact, details of which are provided on this page using standard metrics.

We use the EcoIndex reference framework developed by to assess the website’s environmental performance. This is quantified on the basis of two kinds of metrics:

  • Ecodesign level of the website. This metric assesses the implementation of best practices to reduce a web page’s impact. The level achieved is represented by a rating from A to G (A being the best) along with an absolute score of 0 to 100 (100 being the best).
  • Water consumption and greenhouse gas emissions relating to page loading. This metric shows fresh water consumption (cl) and greenhouse gas emissions (g CO2e) relating to loading a web page.

For summary purposes, four types of data are used:

  • Ecodesign level for the website’s 5 most visited pages
  • Ecodesign level for 5 typical user scenarios for the website
  • Water consumption (in litres) and greenhouse gas emissions (kg CO2e) relating to loading a web page for 1 user, per 1,000 users.
  • Water consumption (in litres) and greenhouse gas emissions (kg CO2e) relating to executing a scenario for 1 user, per 1,000 users.

The analysis was done on 20 May 2022 and may be subject to change: the environmental impact as quantified below represents a snapshot at a given time.

Ecodesign level of the website’s 5 most visited pages

Page 1: home page


Homepage Impact Assessment
EcoIndex 48.89/100 (note : D)
Water (cl) 3.03
GES (gCO2eq) 2.02
Number of requests 50
Page size (Ko) 5 288
DOM Size 630
  • Water consumption per 1,000 users (in litres): 30.3 (equal to 3 cases of mineral water).
  • Greenhouse gas emissions per 1,000 users (in kg of CO2e): 2.02 (equal to a 1 km journey in a combustion-engine car).


Page 2: Our projects


Evaluation of the impact of the Our Projects page
EcoIndex 54.31/100 (note : D)
Water (cl) 2.87
GES (gCO2eq) 1.91
Number of requests 41
Page size (Ko) 2 032
DOM Size 662
  • Water consumption per 1,000 users (in litres): 28.7 (equal to 3 cases of mineral water).
  • Greenhouse gas emissions per 1,000 users (in kg of CO2e): 1.91 (equal to a 11 km journey in a combustion-engine car).

Page 3: Our companies


Evaluation of the impact of the Our companies page
EcoIndex 43.82/100 (note : D)
Water (cl) 3.19
GES (gCO2eq) 2.12
Number of requests 37
Page size (Ko) 1 839
DOM Size 1 174
  • Water consumption per 1,000 users (in litres): 31.9 (equal to 4 cases of mineral water).
  • Greenhouse gas emissions per 1,000 users (in kg of CO2e): 2.12 (equal to a 12 km journey in a combustion-engine car).

Page 4: who we are


Evaluation of the impact of the Who we are page
EcoIndex 57.20/100 (note : C)
Water (cl) 2.78
GES (gCO2eq) 1.86
Number of requests 40
Page size (Ko) 2 774
DOM Size 539
  • Water consumption per 1,000 users (in litres): 27.8 (equal to 3 cases of mineral water).
  • Greenhouse gas emissions per 1,000 users (in kg of CO2e): 1.86 (equal to a 11 km journey in a combustion-engine car).

Page 5: The setec experience


Evaluation of the impact of the setec experience page
EcoIndex 56.47/100 (note : C)
Water (cl) 2.81
GES (gCO2eq) 1.87
Number of requests 38
Page size (Ko) 3 017
DOM Size 558
  • Water consumption per 1,000 users (in litres): 28.1 (equal to 3 cases of mineral water).
  • Greenhouse gas emissions per 1,000 users (in kg of CO2e): 1.87 (equal to a 11 km journey in a combustion-engine car).


Impact for 5 user scenarios on the website

Scenario 1: Find out more about setec companies and the projects carried out

  • Objective: Learn more about the expertise and projects carried out
  • Target clickstream: loading the home page, consultation of setec companies, consultation of all projects


Home page Our companies page Our projects page
EcoIndex 48.41/100 (note : D) 26.73/100 (note : E) 32.21/100 (note : E)
Water (cl) 3.05 3.70 3.53
GES (gCO2eq) 2.03 2.47 2.36
Number of requests 52 88 129
Page size (Ko) 5 287 7 124 9 154
DOM Size 630 1 174 662
  • Water consumption per 1,000 users (in litres): 102.8 (equal to 11 cases of mineral water).
  • Greenhouse gas emissions per 1,000 users (in kg of CO2e): 6.86 (equal to a 39 km journey in a combustion-engine car).

Scenario 2: Find out about setec companies

  • Objective: Find out about setec companies
  • Target clickstream: loading the home page, click on the “About” tab then on the “Our companies” sub-tab and arrive on the corresponding page.


Home page Our companies page
EcoIndex 32,12/100 (note : E) 43.82/100 (note : D)
Water (cl) 3,54 3.19
GES (gCO2eq) 2.36 2.12
Number of requests 141 37
Page size (Ko) 12 487 1 839
DOM Size 630 1 174
  • Water consumption per 1,000 users (in litres): 67.3 (equal to 7 cases of mineral water).
  • Greenhouse gas emissions per 1,000 users (in kg of CO2e): 4.48 (equal to a 26 km journey in a combustion-engine car).

Scenario 3: Consult a project and find out more about a career at setec

  • Objective: access to the career space from a project page
  • Target clickstream: loading the Our projects page, click on a project to arrive on the project details page, click on the “Careers” tab then on the “Setec experience” sub-tab and arrive on the corresponding page.


Our projects page Project page Expérience setec page
EcoIndex 48.41/100 (note : D) 26.73/100 (note : E) 32.21/100 (note : E)
Water (cl) 3.05 3.70 3.53
GES (gCO2eq) 2.03 2.47 2.36
Number of requests 52 88 129
Page size (Ko) 5 287 7 124 9 154
DOM Size 630 1 174 662
  • Water consumption per 1,000 users (in litres): 44.1 (equal to 5 cases of mineral water).
  • Greenhouse gas emissions per 1,000 users (in kg of CO2e): 2.94 (equal to a 1 km journey in a combustion-engine car).

Scenario 4: Find out about the setec group and companies

  • Objective: learn more about the group
  • Target clickstream: loading the setec page in brief and clicking on the “About” tab then on the “Our companies” sub-tab and arriving on the corresponding page.


Who we are page Our companies page
EcoIndex 57.20/100 (note : C) 22.87/100 (note : F)
Water (cl) 2.78 3.81
GES (gCO2eq) 1.86 2.54
Number of requests 40 113
Page size (Ko) 2 774 6 451
DOM Size 539 1 174
  • Water consumption per 1,000 users (in litres): 65.9 (equal to 7 cases of mineral water).
  • Greenhouse gas emissions per 1,000 users (in kg of CO2e): 4.4 (equal to a 25 km journey in a combustion-engine car).

Scenario 5: Learn more about the group for application

  • Objective: access to essential information to imagine an application
  • Target clickstream: loading the setec experience page, click on the logo to return to the home page, click on the “Our projects” tab and arrive on the corresponding page.


Expérience setec page Home page Our projects page
EcoIndex 56.44/100 (note : C) 32.12/100 (note : E) 26.68/100 (note : E)
Water (cl) 2.81 3.54 3.70
GES (gCO2eq) 1.87 2.36 2.47
Number of requests 38 141  222
Page size (Ko) 3 036 13 684 17 747
DOM Size 558 630 662
  • Water consumption per 1,000 users (in litres): 100.5 (equal to 11 cases of mineral water).
  • Greenhouse gas emissions per 1,000 users (in kg of CO2e): 6.7 (equal to a 38 km journey in a combustion-engine car).


Ecodesign uses a methodology and best practices to reduce the website’s impact on the environment. In concrete, this will be achieved by limiting the technical resources required to display a page or execute a functionality, while still meeting the user’s needs as best possible.

Are you a digital professional and do you want to reduce the environmental impact of your websites? Here are a few best practices to adopt:

A few ergonomics and design best practices

  • Limit the number of functionalities at the design stage
  • Get rid of unused functionalities
  • Limit the number of carousels
  • Choose lightweight fonts
  • Opt for simple, pared-back designs
  • Adopt a “mobile-first” approach where possible
  • Opt for infinite scrolling pagination
  • Avoid automatic reading and downloading of videos and sounds
  • Optimise the user experience

A few content management best practices

  • Give preference to images over videos
  • Limit the number of images on each page
  • Optimise the size of images in the target format
  • Compress images using a tool like TinyPNG
  • Compress PDFs using a tool like iLovePDF
  • Limit use of animated GIFs
  • Give preference to glyphs over images

A few development best practices

  • Offer asynchronous processing where possible
  • Only use the essential parts of JS and CSS libraries
  • Cache frequently used data
  • Limit the number of HTTP API calls
  • Reduce the volume of stored data to what is strictly necessary
  • Use the latest language version
  • Provide a textual alternative to multimedia content
  • Separate CSS
  • Don’t change the DOM when using it
  • Use lazy loading
  • Validate pages with W3C
  • Add Expires or Cache-Control headers
  • Compress text files: CSS, JS, HTML and SVG
  • Create an efficient sitemap

A few hosting best practices

  • Choose an environmentally responsible hosting company
  • Install the minimum required on the server
  • Make use of managed services
  • Ensure that servers run at optimum energy efficiency
  • Reduce server logs to what is necessary
  • Apache Vhost: disable AllowOverride
  • Use virtualised servers
  • Use an asynchronous server
  • Store data in the cloud

To create your environmental statement:

Access documentation

To view the full list of web ecodesign best practices:

Access the GreenIT website

Access the GreenIT depository (GitHub)

For more information about EcoIndex:

Find out more about the EcoIndex reference framework

Access the EcoIndex website

*Average environmental impact of this website’s 5 most visited pages.