L’instabilité durable du coût de l’accès à l’énergie et la limitation des effets du dérèglement climatique implique une substitution rapide de notre recours aux énergies fossiles (charbon, pétrole, gaz) par des énergies renouvelables (éolien, solaire, biomasse, etc…).

Renewable energy

Setec offers a wide range of services, from preliminary studies (procurement studies, due diligence, regulatory dossiers, etc.) and deployment planning to the design and construction of production and distribution facilities.

The long-term instability around the cost of access to energy and the need to limit the effects of climate change mean that we must swiftly replace our dependence on fossil fuels (coal, oil, gas) with renewable energies (wind, solar, biomass, etc.).

This change will necessitate an adaptation of our existing energy networks (electricity and hot/cold) to reflect current uses.

Setec works directly with the French regulation and control authorities (DGEC, DREAL), with public or private project developers, energy associations, energy consortiums or network operators, as well as with consumers, particularly in industry, ports or commercial buildings, with the aim of reducing their consumption and facilitating the necessary transition to less carbon-intensive energy sources.


For more information


Recent references

Hikari mixed building complex, Lyon

Flamoval waste recovery facility

Ashegoda Wind Farm