Natural, human or material vulnerability is on the rise everywhere, and hazards will become more and more frequent, which is why we need to adapt and act. This situation invites engineering to go beyond the qualification of known risks… towards a rethinking of the metamorphosis, for example of a system or an infrastructure.

Assisting the resiliency of territories in the face of climate change is a strategic challenge for the group, as expressed in our “Transitions 2025” ambition. Our manifesto details the path we intend to take to achieve our action plan. As a multi-disciplinary, citizen-oriented engineering company, the setec group intends to play a major role in the development of solutions in France and abroad, so that territories can adapt.

Raising awareness and advising all stakeholders on the challenges that await them, identifying the actions to be taken, building solid and structured action plans to be able to provide answers locally… these are all possible ways in which we can participate. We take a closer look at the situation with Laurent Guérin, Managing Director of setec organisation, and Frédéric Maurel, Managing Director of setec hydratec, who are leading this Engineers & Citizens challenge for the setec group.

You can watch our video in french below.