visuel générique projet

Assistance à la maîtrise d’œuvre , renouvellement des Contrats de concession pour la distribution d’électricité publique

Setec energie environnement is assisting Perpignan Méditerranée Métropole with the analysis and definition of the urban community’s territorial strategy with regard to SYDEEL in terms of the transfer or takeover of responsibility for electricity, the preparation and negotiation of concession specifications and special agreements with ENEDIS and EDF, and the conduct of negotiations for specifications for the city of Perpignan, in accordance with the national model.

The assignment was carried out in 3 phases:

– Phase 1: Analysis of the concession contracts and their appendices;
– Phase 2: Decision support for the renewal of the concession contract(s);
– Phase 3: Support for the renewal of the concession contract(s).

“Perpignan Méditerranée Métropole is an urban community of 36 municipalities in the Pyrénées-Orientales region.
The service provided for the project management assistance contract should provide Perpignan Méditerranée Métropole with all the information and analysis it needs to negotiate as effectively as possible all elements specific to the national model and the electricity concession recently signed by SYDEEL 66, and to understand the implementation of the new concession contract for the municipality of Perpignan, in particular :
– The financial assessment of the current concession and the provisions made for renewal,
– The definition and monitoring of the Investment Master Plan (SDI) and the Multiannual Investment Plans (PPI) of ENEDIS,
– Actions to be taken on supply at the Regulated Sale Tariffs (Réglementés de Vente – TRV),
– Objectives linked to the Energy Transition,
– Assistance in negotiating concession specifications with EDF and ENEDIS”.


Setec’s expertise in the field of public electricity networks and in the methods used to plan their development, as well as in negotiations with EDF and ENEDIS, was a key factor in the success of this project.

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