visuel générique projet

Setec group – Development of a low carbon, sustainable Climate Action Plan


Our approach and methodology:

  • Define and embrace a co-construction approach
  • Define setec’s low-carbon objectives:
    • Brainstorming workshops between general managers, human resource managers, and business managers
    • Development of a project roadmap
    • Draft the climate action plan
  • Assessment of GHG emitted by 22 projects. These projects were chosen based on their relevance
  • Development of a strategic decision matrix, taking into account all lines of business and business trends. Two climate change scenarios were included in this matrix
    • Present results in workshops and incorporate feedback
    • Strengthen our strategy and define steps to be taken in the future

This project was conducted in partnership with Carbone 4, a consulting firm specialized in energy transition.

Last year, setec decided to develop an ambitious climate action plan to reduce its impact on the environment. We had already been calculating and monitoring our Carbon Footprint for years, but setec wished to undertake a more thorough analysis of its practices. Greenhouse gas emissions were notably calculated for each setec subsidiary as well as per project.
This climate strategy showcases setec’s commitment to develop its business sustainably. It helps limiting our GHG emissions and raising awareness within our company, working progressively towards a low-carbon economy.


Our engineers truly believe in the benefits of transitioning to a low-carbon economy. All employees participated in the development of the climate action plan and in setting up objectives and performance indicators. Many workshops were organized to brainstorm ideas and develop the action plan

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