visuel générique projet

Grand Paris South Agglomeration Community Drinking Water Supply Master Plan


This assignment concerns the implementation of the SDAEP. This is divided into 5 phases, and should result in the establishment of a detailed and costed programme of works.

o Phase 1: Data collection, analysis of needs and future developments, site survey, visit to structures and equipment,
o Phase 2: Data integration and modelling,
o Phase 3: Resources/needs assessment, modelling and establishment of risk control measures,
o Phase 4: Proposals for sectoring, metering and analysis of the data collected,
o Phase 5: Proposal for a multi-year action and works programme.

The Grand Paris South Seine-Essonne Sénart Agglormeration (CAGPS) includes 23 municipalities in 2 départements (Essonne and Seine-et-Marne). It is the fifth largest area in the Paris region in terms of population, with 346,826 inhabitants in 2015.

The drinking water service is managed by the CAGPS for part of its territory and by Suez under a Public Service Delegation for the rest of the
territory. The mission is part of a process of transferring the service to the public sector when the public service delegation contracts come to an

The purpose of this project is to design the Drinking Water Supply Master Plan (SDAEP), the External Fire Defence Plan (SDECI) and the Water
Health Safety Management Plan (PGSSE).

Modelling in Express-Eau :

The GPS hydraulic model was built using ExpressEau. It is a very large model, so it was decided to divide it into 5 models that can be linked together by a complex system of models.
The construction, calibration and simulations were carried out using the old version of Express-Eau in parallel with the development of Express-Eau using QGIS. This model will therefore be the first to be upgraded.
It will be imported, the simulation results will be checked, the model will be recalibrated if necessary, and then the new version will be supplied to the client.

Key figures

Project cost : 82 000 000 €

Also discover in "Water & Wastewater"

Establishing the urban rainwater management master plan for the Thonon Agglomeration

Joint operations of the EVRY and EXONA WWTPs : 340,000 P.E.

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