Definition and deployment of an integrated project management process (Planisware)


setec eocen carried out a project ownership assistance assignment for the programmes’ PMO unit: ?

From the definition of the ambitions of the solution with a 1st approach to the target processes and the impacts on roles, skills and organisation, ?through to data migration and user training.

setec eocen established the business case, assessed the suitability of the PPM offerings on the market, carried out demonstrations, specified the solution for implementation, supervised acceptance, prepared the deployment and built the training system and coached users their first steps in the application


Alstom, a world leader in the rail industry, found that it had insufficient control over all its programmes, due to the disparity of management methods and the obsolescence of the tools that support this process. In response, it decided to transform the project management system to give it the efficiency and consistency it needed to meet its technical and commercial challenges.


Customer benefits

Alignment of all stakeholders to the objectives of the company

Implementation of a new project management culture, with an integrated tool

Integration of good project management practice from other sectors


Key figures

Up to 10 consultants


Also discover in "Project management"

Assisting local authorities with their regional projects

Action Cœur deVille & Sgreen

Notre-Dame de Paris