visuel générique projet

Control and monitoring of gas distribution concession contracts


Our teams carried out an audit of the GRDF operator and presented the results as part of a consultancy and support assignment for SDEM50, which consists of:
– Analysis of the Gas Concession Activity Reports (CRAC), annual control reports, summary notes and communal sheets,
– Complementary expert appraisal mission
– Support meetings at SDEM50

At the end of the first exchange meetings, Setec Energie Environnement enabled all the natural gas contracts to be grouped into a single contract, granting an increase in the Syndicat’s operating fee of 30%.

“The Syndicat Départemental d’Energies de la Manche (SDEM50) wishes to fulfil their role as organising authority for the distribution of natural gas by means of improved monitoring of the performance of contracts signed with the concessionaire GRDF and by drawing up a report enabling more efficient control, via analyses and the implementation of technical and financial indicators.
Setec energie environnement has been selected for this 4-year consultancy and assistance mission for the control of GRDF’s historical natural gas concessions”.


The purpose of this audit is to control the natural gas concessions that have been delegated, through the implementation of monitoring and performance indicators, an audit and analysis of activities and balance sheets.

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