Centre technique des lignes de Métro 16 et 17 - Aulnay-sous-Bois

technical center for Lines 16 and 17 of the Paris metro, Aulnay-sous-Bois


Acting within the TEC6-CITY consortium, setec’s role is to draft the permit application, which includes:

  • An administrative part
  • A technical report
  • An impact study
  • A risk study
  • A health and safety manual
  • Non-technical summaries
  • Regulatory plans

SGP is planning to set up a technical center in Aulnay-sou-Bois for Lines 16 and 17 of the Paris metro.

This center will include maintenance facilities for carriages and infrastructures, as well as the control room.

Given that some of these activities fall under the “ICPE” regime for environmental facilities, the company needs to apply for an operating permit.


setec is working on environmental issues (a regulatory operating permit) as part of a construction supervision assignment for the technical center in Alnay-sous-Bois involving the new Lines 16 and 17 of the Paris metro.

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